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Train to Basra ...and Other Stories



This CD features Dena El Saffar as a composer, performer, arranger and author – each track on the CD has a corresponding story in the CD booklet. The album is entirely instrumental; a tribute to El Saffar’s many years of playing in orchestras. The CD has a very full sound, and features a delightful array of acoustic musical instruments, including: viola, violin, cello, bass, guitar, accordion, nay, saxophone, trumpet, santoor, óud, dumbek, riqq, tabl, doira and naqqarat.

Recorded and engineered by Jake Belser at Primary Sound Studios in Bloomington, IN.  Mastered by Emily Lazar at The Lodge, in New York, NY.

Train to Basra CD reviews:

NPR, Album Pick  10/01/13 >> read article >> go there

New York Music Daily, Album Review/Concert Preview  10/03/13 >> read article >> go there

WNYC, Album Preview  11/29/13 >> go there

Chicago Reader, Feature  10/08/13 >> read article >> go there

Express Milwaukee, Album Review  11/04/13 >> read article >> go there

World Music Central, Album Review  10/05/13 >> read article >> go there

Inside World Music, 09/20/13 >> read article >> go there

Midwest Record, 09/22/13 >> read article >> go there

UR Magazine, 09/04/13 >> read article >> go there

Broadway World, Tour Announcement  10/08/13 >> read article >> go there

Click on the titles below to listen to each song on YouTube:

1. Queen of Sheba

2. Kashaniya

3. Train to Basra

4. Iraqi-American Blues

5. Lima Sahar

6. Joza Tears

7. The Mariachi Stole My Heart

8. Beledi, Baby

9. Drum Intro

10. Awakening

11. Rast Saffari

12. Mesopotamia

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